Top 5 Best Support (Guardian) Smite 2025 for Beginners
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Best Support (Guardian) in Smite for beginners 2025 is: Cthuldu, Ares, Artio, Athena, Cabrakan… These champions are currently very strong. If you can choose, you will be ahead in the game.
Top 5: Cthulhu
Cthulhu is a Guardian God who has high damage, good disruption abilities, a large health pool, and excellent teamfighting. So, I suggest you use Cthulhu support.
You should play safe in the early game and be strong in the late game because Cthulhu is strong in the late game if you get the complete items.
Take advantage of Cthulhu’s ability to control, reduce damage, and his passive to create an advantage in teamfights.
Top 4: Ares
Ares is a guardian god who has good damage, high HP, great lane control, and a strong late game. So, I suggest you use Ares support.
Ares can play aggressively to prevent the enemy duo from farming in the early game.
No Escape (skill 4) is very good for teamfights and capturing targets easily.
Top 3: Artio
Artio is a multi-purpose guardian god who has high damage, mobility, high sustainability and is very difficult to kill. So, I suggest you use Artio support.
Use different abilities between poses to maximize their power.
In Druid form it deals more damage than Bear form.
Artio counters: Nemesis, Susano or Tyr, Bastet, King Arthur.
Top 2: Athens
Athena is a guardian deity who has high burst damage, crowd control, global presence and can support any hunter. So I suggest you should use Athena solo, support.
Early game: Farm as much as possible and use ultimate to gank mid.
Mid – late game: Organize team fights and get big goals.
Top 1: Collision
Cabrakan is a Guardian God who has crowd control, decent damage for a tank, and a great shield team. So I suggest you should use Cabrakan support, Jungle, Solo.
Play Cabrakan as full damage or hybrid as Cabrakan works best this way.
Good crash in solo or jungle.
Read more: Smite Tier List
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