Nikke PvP Meta 2025: Characters & Team Comps
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Nikke PvP Meta 2025: Characters & Team Comps

Admi A Skill order: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2
Admi is strong late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Admi can provides Reload Speed, Charge Damage, Critical Damage to all allies and reduces damage. Alice
Alice S Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Alice is strong late game with good AoE from pierce. She has high skill ceiling, resilience, adjutant and onslaught. Moreover, Alice very strong self DPS buffs on burst. Anis
Anis C Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1.
Anis is strong early game. She has high skill ceiling, adjutant, onslaught and superb burst energy generarion. Anne: Miracle Fairy
Anne: Miracle Fairy B Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1.
Anne: Miracle Fairy is strong late game. She has high skill floor & ceiling, onslaught and adjutant. Moreover, Anne: Miracle Fairy has healing and resurrection on burst and very powerful attack buff. Aria
Aria B Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> Burst Skill.
Aria is strong late game. She has low skill floor and a adecent shielder and DPS with good crit support. Belorta
Belorta D Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Burst Skill.
Belorta is strong early game. She has high skill floor & ceiling. Moreover, Belorta is best SR dps on manual. Brid
Brid B Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2.
Brid is strong late game. She has high skill floor and decent DPS and strong damage burst. Centi
Centi S+ Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2.
Centi is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling and currently the best shielder due to low cooldown. Cocoa
Cocoa C Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> Burst Skill.
Cocoa is strong early game. She can heals and remove debuffs from her allies. Crow
Crow D Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Crow is strong late game. She has low skill floor, resilience and assault. Moreover, Crow can reduce the enemies’ ATK and do a decent amount of burst damage to a single enemy with the highest ATK. Delta
Delta D Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Delta is strong early game. She has low skill floor, onslaught. Diesel
Diesel C Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Diesel is strong early & late game. She has low skill floor, winsgman and bastion. Moreover, Diesel has Taunt that is great in PVP, can heal after using Full Burst and reload the team’s weapons. Dolla
Dolla S Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> Burst Skill.
Dolla is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling, onslaught. Moreover, Dolla can provides ATK buff, Critical Rate and Critical Damage to her team, deals decent burst damage to an enemy target and decrease the remaining cooldown on Burst Skills. Drake
Drake S Skill Priority: Burst Skill ->Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Drake is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling, resilience and assault. Moreover, Drake has great AOE damage, increases her own ammunition capacity and increases weapon range and ATK for her team. Emma
Emma A Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Emma is strong late game. She has low skill floor, wingsman, bastion. Moreover, Emma can increases HP recovery for heals and heals the team. Epinel
Epinel A Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2.
Epinel is strong early & late game where she can stack her buff easily. She has high skill floor & ceiling. Moreover, Epinel can stack buff increases her ATK Ether
Ether D Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2.
Ether is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Ether can shields the team, lowers DEF of up to 3 enemies and lowers the amount of damage an ally with the lowest HP. EunhwaEunhwa D Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Burst Skill
Eunhwa is strong late game. She has high skill floor & ceiling. Moreover, Eunhwa can applies DEF debuff. Exia
Exia B Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Burst Skill.
Exia is strong late game. She has high skill floor & ceiling. Moreover, Exia can reduces ATK from an enemy target and provides DEF debuff for the team. FolkwangFolkwang C Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Folkwang is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Folkwang can taunts a target, provides HP recovery increase, provides lifesteal and provides shielding to her team. Frima
Frima D Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2.
Frima is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Frima can provides HP buffs for the team and reduces DEF of enemy targets. GuillotineGuillotine C Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Guillotine is strong early game. She has hight skill floor. Moreover, Guillotine gets stronger more she loses HP and her self buffs are easy to maintain. Guilty
Guilty A Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2. Guilty has highest damage. Harran
Harran S+ Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Harran is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Harran has great DOT damage, ability to penetrate enemies, increases her own ATK per kill and super high burst energy generation Helm
Helm A Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Helm is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Helm can increases Critical rate of normal attacks, increases ATK damage, provides Lifesteal and provides permanent part damage which leads to interrupting the boss’s skill faster. HimenoHimeno A Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2.
Himeno is strong early game. She has low skill floor. iDoll Flower
iDoll Flower D Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> Burst Skill.
iDoll Flower is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, iDoll Flower is a good free attack debuffer if one is needed. iDoll Ocean
iDoll Ocean D Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
iDoll Ocean is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, iDoll Ocean is a valuable free healer for F2P players. iDoll Sun
iDoll Sun D Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
iDoll Sun is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Isabel
Isabel C Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2.
Isabel is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Isabel shines in long boss fights when she can stack her buffs. Jackal
Jackal C Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2.
Jackal is strong early game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Jackal has burst damage – both on her normal attack and because of how her Skill 1 works. Julia
Julia C Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Julia is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Julia deals decent burst damage. Laplace
Laplace A Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Laplace is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Laplace can increased damage to boss parts, deal true damage and increased range of explosions allows her to hit multiple enemies at once easier. Liter
Liter S+ Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Liter is strong early & late game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Liter can repairs cover for low HP allies, lower Burst Skill Cooldown and provides the highest ATK Buff among Burst I characters. LudmillaLudmilla C Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> Burst Skill.
Ludmilla is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Ludmilla has damage reduction to pair with taunt and reduces ATK and DEF from an enemy target. Maiden
Maiden C Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Maiden is strong early & late game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Maiden has can taunts enemies and increases her own ATK. MakimaMakima C Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Makima is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Makima can fit into any comp. Mary
Mary C Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Mary is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Mary has heals the team and provides DEF buff. MaxwellMaxwell B Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> Burst Skill
Maxwell is strong late game. She has high skill floor & ceiling. Moreover, Maxwell has huge Burst potential and supports 2 Main DPS providing charge rate and ATK. Mica
Mica D Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Burst Skill.
Mica is strong early game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Mica can reduce DEF of all enemies when bursting and increases ammunition and DEF of 2 main DPS. Mihara
Mihara D Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Mihara is strong late game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Mihara can increase her damage output by stacking buffs on herself. Milk
Milk B Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Burst Skill.
Milk is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Milk can increases ATK for 2 main DPS and provides permanent Crit Damage to the team. MirandaMiranda A Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1.
Milk is strong early & late game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Milk has strong attack and crit damage buffs. ModerniaModernia S+ Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Burst Skill.
Modernia is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Modernia has massive AOE damage output, can provide Hit Rate buff to allies and really good energy generation. N102
N102 A Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Burst Skill.
N102 is strong early game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, N102 has ability increases Critical Damage and increases ATK for her team. Neon
Neon D Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Neon is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Neon can increases Critical rate for team and increases Max ammunition capacity for shotgun users. Neve
Neve C Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1.
Neve is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Neve has good damage for an SR character, pierce allows her to do great damage to bosses and gives herself Hit Rate buff. Noah
Noah A Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1.
Noah is strong early & late game. She has high skill floor & ceiling
. Moreover, Noah has unique invulnerability with taunt on burst, provides DEF buff, reduces the enemy ATK and great burst energy generation. Noise
Noise S Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Noise is strong early & late game. She has high skill floor & ceiling. Moreover, Noise is the most powerful tank in the game, heals the team and reduces damage the team takes. Novel
Novel D Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Novel is strong late game. She has high skill floor & ceiling. Moreover, Novel can increases the amoGuantanamount of damage an enemy takes which is great in boss fights. Pepper
Pepper S Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> Burst Skill.
Pepper is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Pepper can highest damage and heal the team. Poli
Poli A Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Poli is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Poli can increases ATK, Shields team and shares damage with low HP teammate. Power
Power A Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Power is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Power can stacking ATK buff, great burst energy generation and good in both single-target and multi-target scenarios. Privaty
Privaty S Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2.
Privaty is strong late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Privaty can stuns enemies, provides ATK and Reload Speed buffs to the team and has high innate burst potential. Product 08Product 08 D Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Product 08 is strong early game. She has low skill floor, onslaught and resilience Product 12Product 12 D Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Product 12 is strong early game. She has low skill floor and assault. Product 23Product 23 D Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1.
Product 23 is strong early game. She has low skill floor and assault, resilience. Quency
Quency A Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Burst Skill.
Quency is strong early game. She has low skill floor and assault, resilience. Rapi
Rapi C Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Rapi is strong early game. She has low skill floor and assault, resilience. Moreover, Rapi can taunts enemies and boosts own ATK. RapunzelRapunzel S Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> Burst Skill.
Rapunzel is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Rapunzel can consistently heals the team and revives a fallen teammate. Rupee
Rupee S Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Rupee is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Rupee can increases her own ATK and her team’s ATK. Rupee: Winter Shopper
Rupee: Winter Shopper B Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1.
Rupee: Winter Shopper is strong late game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Rupee: Winter Shopper is a strong reload support. ScarletScarlet S+ Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2.
Scarlet is strong early & late game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Scarlet can deals great sustained and burst damage, increases her own ATK, critical rate, and critical damage. SignalSignal C Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Signal is strong late game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Signal can self-heal, lowers DEF and ATK of enemies. Sin
Sin B Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Sin is strong late game. She has low skill floor. Snow White
Snow White S+ Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Snow is strong late game. She has high skill floor & ceiling. Moreover, Snow can penetrates enemies with Burst Skill and highest hitting Burst Skill in the game. Soda
Soda B Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Soda is strong late game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Soda has highest max HP, decent healing output and stun gives a nice synergy with Privaty. Soldier EGSoldier EG D Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.
Soldier EG is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Soldier FASoldier FA D Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1.
Soldier FA is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Soldier FA can heal herself to full with burst due to the max HP heal bug. Soldier OWSoldier OW D Skill Priority: Skill 1 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 2
Soldier OW is strong early game. She has low skill floor. Vesti
Vesti B Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Vesti is strong late game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Vesti has great AOE damage and good explosion range which makes it easier to hit more enemies at the same time. Viper
Viper B Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Burst Skill -> Skill 1.
Viper is strong late game. She has low skill floor. Moreover, Viper has great burst energy generation and great damage for a Burst II character. VolumeVolume C Skill Priority: Burst Skill -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1.
Volume is strong early & late game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Volume can boosts her own ATK, provides Critical chance and Critical damage buffs and lowers Burst skill cooldown. Yan
Yan C Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Burst Skill.
Yan is strong early game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Yan can increases ATK and critical rate. Yulha
Yulha B Skill Priority: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Burst Skill.
Yulha is strong early & late game. She has high skill floor & ceiling. Moreover, Yulha can increases her own critical rate, gives huge ATK buff to her team and takes some damage away from her team when they are at low HP. Yuni
Yuni C Skill Priority Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> Burst Skill.
Yuni is strong early game. She has high skill ceiling. Moreover, Yuni can immobilizes 5 enemy targets, increases charging speed, increases defense and provides ifesteal.

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